
I am a PhD candidate in Transportation Engineering at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) and research assistant at the Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA). In short: I am passionate about cities and data.


At Ipea I am part of the Access to Opportunities team. The project, created by my friend/boss Rafael Pereira at the beginning of 2019, has as main objective to calculate indicators of urban accessibility for the biggest Brazilian cities, aiming to subsidize researchers and public policy makers. In the first year of the project, Rafael, I and partners published our first annual report[PT_BR], which introduces the project and shows accessibility conditions and inequalities for the 20 largest Brazilian cities.

In the second year of the project, with a bigger and very competent team, we developed R packages like r5r and published a study that proposes a new accessibility indicator that incorporates competition for opportunities. Also, under Rafael’s leadership, I was part of publications that analyzed the evolution of propagation of coronavirus in Brazil and that evaluated socio-spatial inequalities on risks of hospitalization and death from COVID-19.

Academic research

My work is at the intersection of transport and data analysis. In particular, my interest is in the estimation of urban accessibility, developing and applying methods to improve its estimation and accuracy. For this, I developed and applied in my master’s a method that uses GPS data to correct timetables from GTFS, which contains the scheduled public transport service. You can access my dissertation here[PT_BR] and the article published at Transportes here [PT_BR].

Consulting and side projects

I provide data analysis consultancy. I highlight my work with the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP), calculating accessibility indicators from GTFS and location data of the public transport fleet.

Also, when I have some time to spare, I also venture into some personal projects, especially interactive apps using shiny. These works can be consulted on the projects tab.